First Aid for Duke of Edinburgh

The times they are a-changin’.

This post seems to be older than 6 years—a long time on the internet. It might be outdated.

Knowing how to cope with a casualty is an important part of the Duke of Edinburgh training plan.

There are lost of resources available. The St John ambulance website is a great resource.

Click here to receive a free first aid guide

There are plenty of videos on the website and all are easy to understand.

They also have a free app which makes your first aid help simpler.

Here is a link to the St John Ambulance YouTube channel

The British Red Cross also has a website and allows you to take a quiz. If you successfully complete the quiz, you wll get a printable certificate. This can be used for your expedition evidence. The British Red Cross also have an app

Take the quiz

Here is a link to the British Red Cross You-tube channel